Sunday, November 22, 2009

What Are You Thankful For?

Jared made the comment yesterday that it just doesn't feel like Thanksgiving time. It doesn't have the same feeling the season usually has. We have, of course, been a bit preoccupied this last week. However, I have been feeling an overwhelming sense of gratitude for my blessings. Those things that mean the most to me are a bit different this year. There are always the top 5...My God, My Savior, My Husband, My Children and Family, and My Friends. But my list has some new stars on the stage of my heart. They will be key performers in my battle ahead.

I am grateful for Cancer. Wow. Did I really say that? It is a part of me now, and it is not just some scary thing attacking me inside. It's part of who I am, and who I will always be, for it has provided the path for who I am to come.

The older I get, and the more experiences I have, the more I am grateful for Trials. I am grateful that I had the opportunity to loose family members in my lifetime. I have lost my Dad, two brothers, and my grandparents. That loss has been my gain. Because of the strength and perspective I received from those trials, I am better able to live the life I have.

I am grateful for the Power of Prayer in My Behalf. Many of you reading this have contributed to the power I feel. I never understood it before cancer. Now I KNOW. The power of prayer is real. I had one friend that asked me if it would be OK if she put my name on the list for the prayer group they have at their church. I was honored by her request. We are not of the same faith, but we are children of the same God, and He hears us all as His children. Bring on the prayers! I feel it...and my cancer feels it!

Jared is right, the feeling is not the same this Thanksgiving. And I think we will come to be grateful that it is different. is a great video clip on gratitude. It's fun to listen to the variety of answers off the streets of New York City. We really aren't that different.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jen,
    I just found this blog address today (11th)since I hadn't checked my email in a while, and read through it all, so glad to finally hear some news of you! I've been thinking about you and praying for you. The spirit here in your posts is powerful, and I am so grateful to you for your testimony, and for sharing it. I was so glad to hear about the support you have around you, and wish I could be closer. Especially what you said about the children and your job, brought me to tears. Well it all did, actually, but good tears. I love this video clip you posted too. I miss playing dress up with you and love you very much!


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